Thursday, October 05, 2006

And so the adventure continues...
I now reside at one of the most beautiful universities in the world Cité Internationale Universitaire I think it is called! I live in the Canadian House, which was just renovated, so it's quite lovely! I'll take pictures this weekend and post for all to see.
Some highlights this week:
Not homeless any longer (defintely the best part)
Started my job (duh, my whole reason for being here!)
Saw the Sex and the City hotel (from the finale)
Saw where Princess Diana died
Stood where Oprah taped her show
Okay I know this is a short one but when I have internet in my room and I don't have to use a European keyboard I'll have more paitience to type!
Je t'aime tout le monde!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I have arrived!
Severe jet lag took over my emotional system yesterday. We all know what happens when I get a little too over tired! But today is a good day. I saw the Eiffel Tower for the first time today, and its difficult to describe the feeling you get when you look up and see it for the first time. It’s overwhelming. I found where I work and its in a lovely part of the city, very posh. I’m excited to start tomorrow and finally meet all of those people that I’ve been talking to for so long.
We found an apartment this evening. It's pretty small, think dorm room size with a bath attached. And yes that’s for TWO. For those planning to visit, please expect to get cozy! Not like we would spend much time in the apartment anyways. This is city is so big, I’m not sure I’ll ever see it all.
I also bought my first French baguette! I know you were all just waiting to hear that. You know that you are a true Parisian when you buy baguettes!
So it looks like I will enjoy these next few months. I'm happy that Jenn is coming this weekend, it gives me some home to ease that left over emotional jet lag.
Well I must go to bed, first day of work tomorrow.
Life is good, and I miss you all!
Kate, the Parisian!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Today is the day!
Can you believe it? I'm finally going! It has been a crazy month trying hard to get me to Paris. I've certainly learned a thing or two about French bureacracy. It's crazy. My visa arrived on Friday. Just in the nick of time.
I'm currently homeless in Paris. Though, it doesn't quite bother me as much as I thought that it would. Our wonderful appartment featured in the first blog is no longer being rented to us because it was "too complicated"! Now I'm agree, I'm a very complex person but man, there's no need to dicriminate! So alas, Jessica and I are in a hotel for a bit. And we are going to scrounge for a new place to live this week. Should be interesting!
Well I currently have nothing packed. But it's only early, and I don't fly until this evening, so it should be a very exciting day of running around looking for things like my winter jackets which are currently MIA. Minor details!

Before I go, in a whirlwind to pack, I must say thanks to the best parents a girl could have for doing everything they could to help. And of course for the Christmas dinner last night, complete with carols and Christmas Crackers! My mom stopped cooking with cheese long ago in an effort to get me to move out, but secretly I know she'll miss me, when her baby girl is out finding herself in Paris!

Of course, thanks also to every for the gifts and EUROS. My stomach will thank you when I'm living on a park bench under the Eiffel Tower. And to all those who encouraged me, and listen to me say I want to go to Europe for the last number of years, thanks! I'll stop with that rant now!

Well all, next time you hear from me I'll be on the other side of the pond. Can you believe it? I certainly can't, especially because I have no idea how many pairs of shoes I can fit in two suitcases!
Alright I'll leave you with some memorable quotes from some cards I got last night at Christmas dinner.
Don't miss me too much, I'll barely have time to miss you all ( I jest!)
Kate x (that's for you Jenn!)

"Now is the time to live your ideal life" Cousineau (and Laura Jean)

"Twenty years from now you will be more disapointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the tradewinds in your sail. Explore, Dream, Discover." Mark Twain (and Sue and Charlie)

"Bye! Don't forget to drink." American Greetings Card (and the sis!)

"Travel broadens the mind, flattens the finances, and lengthens the conversation." Lois Hoarse (and the sis again, or maybe this was the Donald)

"Those french guys are trouble, and whatever they can do, I can do, but I can do it underwater too!" Pure Kyle T